A collaboration between Z-level and MoY studio
Year: 2017
Download here for your devices and experience the audio walk in Vrissa starting from the elementary school

“An audio walk through Vrissa” was created after the earthquake of 12 June 2017 as part of  our voluntary initiative  to help in the reconstruction of the village.
This is a recording that everyone can listen to on a mobile phone or mp3 player, while following a specific route through the village.  The sounds and stories recorded bring life back to the village, and fill the silence with familiar but also new sounds.
As architects, our means become sound rather than design, documenting the space with noises and narratives in order to make proposals for a village with a vision.  This is our way of preserving the stories of Vrissa so that its soul and essence can be returned to its inhabitants, both as a memory of the past and a hope for the future.

“An audio walk through Vrissa” was organised over 3 days:  10, 11, 12 August 2017 and has since been available in the village on a permanent basis.
Download the file to your mobile phone or borrow an mp3 player (at the EKO petrol station as you come into Vrissa from Vatera) and take the tour through the village while following the instructions.

Read more in greek